Player Reports

Review game reports and player feedback here. We are accepting game reports & feedback! Please submit them via email to We will attribute them to you if we use them and thanks!

And speaking of playing Blitz! with your kids, here is a review on that point in particular:

Game review (found on The review also includes links to several YouTube videos describing how to play the game. The videos are quite detailed and in-depth. Thank you for taking the time to do this Bjorne!

“Terrific job. This is WiF distilled in about 16 pages of rules. I was not impressed when I first heard about the project, but when I saw you were in charge (with all your WiFSD history) and the new map, I jumped (and I am glad I did). Really looking forward to receiving the game.”
— from Franceso Lo Presti, a long-time World in Flames player (November, 2015).