Player Resources

There are lots of ways to stay in touch with Blitz! A World in Conflict.

Living Rules: The Living Rules are now available. These incorporate all known errata and clarifications. Download them here. Living Rules.

Player Aid: A PDF of the Blitz Map which includes graphic details on all of the possible Victory Points. A great idea, and thanks Bjorn Hogberg! Blitz Map with VPs.

Player Aid: A PDF demonstrating how the Defensive Factors (“triangles”) work. Thanks to Ric Van Dyke! Blitz Triangles.

Player Aid: A PDF “Cheat Sheet” summarizing the key rules. Thank you Dan Stueber! Blitz Cheat Sheet.

Download the official VASSAL module of the game here.

Use our Player Database. Register as a player; look for opponents; review Player Ratings; record your game’s outcome against other registered players, etc. (Coming soon.)